General Information

Our college has started its education in the 2007-2008 academic year. The aim of our college is to educate the students of undergraduate who registered into the foreign language preparatory classes and the ones who take compulsory English courses in different technical vocational high schools and faculties with high standards, to equip them with the necessary language knowledge and skills in the academic and business life, to contribute to the lifelong learning process by guiding our students to learn how to access the information they need, and to help them to grow up into adherent of Ataturk’s policy, scientifically thinking, creative, concerned with the problems of the country, and productive individuals.


The aim of the undergraduate preparatory class is to a)improve their basic language knowledge and skills up to B1+ level for English language and B1 level for French courses. b)be able to understand and digest the things they read and hear in their own field of study, c)express themselves in written and spoken language, d)sophisticate them with the efficiency of achieving the foreign language communication needed in the business and social life, e)use technology effectively, and improve the skills of inquiring, researching, and effective communication, f)develop awareness towards the historical development of science, scientific thinking movements and the reflection of these movements on different areas through the language the program they are enrolled into asks for.


GoreviAdı SoyadıTelFaksE-Posta
  +90 258 296 1506
  +90 258 296 1503
  +90 258 296 1504